It is totally free for parents to use our site to find the perfect daycare for their children!

We do review the basic information for EVERY Your Daycare Provider before approving their profile for the site. The basic information includes the name of the facility, address, website, if applicable, telephone number, and emailed address. If in this initial review we find the provider’s basic information to be inaccurate, anything throughout the profile to be malicious or contrary to our policies here on the site we will not approve their listing. The childcare providers on Yourdaycareprovider.com are required to attest to the accuracy of the information that they provide. Yourdaycareprovider.com is not responsible for the misrepresentation of any childcare provider’s information or any issues that may arise due to the childcare provider’s misrepresentation. The childcare providers are governed by the laws of their local government.

The information that will be provided is not a recommendation. Yourdaycareprovider.com does not license, screen for quality of care, or endorse any provider.
Yourdaycareprovider.com does, however, offer education and information that assists in the process of selecting quality child care and encourages parents to visit child care providers before making their decision. Please use our Book a Tour link to request tours for your prospective providers.

In 2014 I received a job offer after being an unemployed, single parent for approximately two years. The opportunity was too good to pass up, but there was one catch. The hours were outside of the typical child care center hours. I was devastated and nearly lost hope until someone referred me to a daycare center that closed at 12:00 am. This enabled me to take advantage of the opportunity and since then I have received several pay raises, much-needed promotions, and went even further with the skillset I gained from that position to operate two
small businesses of my own.

I was appreciative that this specific childcare provider knew that there was a need for an after-hours service and made it available. I was grateful that I so happen to meet someone who knew about this center. Our needs met one another at a crossroad that changed the trajectory of my life. I needed child care, and She needed children to care for. By giving child care seekers a convenient way to find your services you have the potential to grow your business, create employment, impact the lives of the next generation and so much more! For a parent, finding the right child care provider makes a huge difference and could mean better employment, the opportunity to pursue our childhood dreams, and much more. Your Daycareprovider.com is a tool that changes lives.

You can claim your profile in just 3 easy steps!

  • Search for your daycare name. Please use the exact name that is registered with your state.
  • Verify your email address
  • Sign into your account!

The childcare providers that have a completed profile will have priority on the list. There is no extra fee to be placed at the top of the search engine. It is all based on what the parent needs and the providers that provide services that fit those needs. (Please call our sales department for information on ads being featured on front page of site.)

Free Subscription

The free subscription includes a limited profile on YourDaycareProvider.com that includes the name, phone number, website, and address of your childcare service. You are able to upload a profile picture for your childcare service with your free subscription!

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Paid Subscription

Your subscription includes a full profile on Yourdaycareprovider.com. The profile provides the answers to 68 questions that parents ask or forget to ask when interviewing childcare providers. Yes, that is a lot of questions! BUT you answer them ONE TIME for HUNDREDS of prospective families!

When parents visit the site, they can select criteria that fit their needs with our advanced filters. Childcare providers that provide those needs will come up in their listing.

Potential families are able to add you as a favorite and compare your services, side by side with other providers of their choosing. This allows for more sound decision-making in the childcare selection process which will lead to less family turnover for your program.

Use our Book a Tour tool to allow prospective families to request tours of your childcare service! You will be able to share your availability and allow families to book at their convenience. You are able to accept tours or cancel tours. It is the childcare service provider’s responsibility to reschedule any tours that do not fit their schedule. From your dashboard, you can manage your tours, and review past tours, and upcoming tours. We are even working to add a virtual tour function!

The profile allows you to upload photos of your facility, employees, and events.

Parents can contact you about your services via your profile.

Analytics to show you how many times a new user views your profile

The subscription fee that is collected is used to ensure that Yourdaycareprovider.com can be advertised via the radio, television, various forms of social media, every mommy site, i.e. Baby Center, Rocket City Mom, children stores and much more! We have marketing experts on our team that will ensure that childcare seekers all over the United States will hear about YourDaycareProvider.com! This will get clients to our site and on to your profile! Advertising is awfully expensive. We advertise so you don’t have to!

We do offer a free subscription! See free subscriptions details under FAQ What does a profile on Yourdaycareprovider.com offer?

For the paid subscription there is a fee of $49.99 that will be deducted on the 1st of each month from the payment method you place on file. You can update the payment method at any time. Subscriptions that are unpaid by the 5th of each month, will result in an inactive listing on the site. You can cancel at any time. If you have any issues related to payment please see our billing FAQ section. If that does not resolve your issue please reach out to our customer service team at 1-877-395-5744.

You may cancel at anytime. If you cancel during a billing cycle you will receive a prorated refund based on the date of cancellation. For example, if the subscription is cancelled after 30 days or at the end of the billing cycle there will not be a refund of the previous payment. We will not bill your account for any period following the date of cancellation

In an effort to reduce customer service hold times, if you have a general inquiry we ask that you review the FAQ section on the website. A lot of questions are answered there. If the FAQ and Resources do not answer your questions please contact our customer service team. We look forward to serving you!